Friday, January 6, 2012

The Never Ending To-Do List

May I just comment about how long it takes to set up a blog?!? Phew! What a task!!! It would help if I wasn't so indecisive about the little things. I'll admit, being OCD about stupid stuff very inconvenient at times.

Anyways, setting up this blog was just one of the MANY things I need to do before I leave in just over a month! After receiving my call, I had to control my urge to start preparing for my mission. Some big events were coming up in the near future: midterms, a marching band trip to Hawaii to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Thanksgiving, two very substantial research papers, and finals week. My school schedule demanded attention and I was determined to finish strong! And I did! I got awesome grades, including a solid A in my Tissue Biology class (nailed it!).

The shopping sprees began just after finals. My first purchase? A pair of Dansco shoes. Second purchase? Envelopes. Third? I don't remember anymore.

What a blessing it was to be able to start shopping during all of the Christmas sales! Being the super frugal person I am, I took advantage of it! I bought skirts that were normally $50 for $15 each. Bingo! Shirts for 50% off at Kohls, coats for 75% off at Old Navy, etc etc etc! I couldn't help but feel like those sales were just for me. :)

Christmas came and I was bombarded by mission gifts. I love them all and I'm so grateful to have a loving and supportive family. My sister-in-law Haley has quite the sense of humor and gave me a bag full of knee-high nylons that she never used on her mission. Hahaha...too funny. She's great and I appreciate her support and advice as I continue to prepare for my mission. She has some marvelous tips that I am finding super useful! Haley is the best. :)

One morning, I started to write down everything that I needed to do. I kept writing and writing and writing until I had everything I could think of on the list. It ended up being a page and a half long. That was perhaps the most intimidating thing I've ever seen! But I'm crossing those things off one at a time and trying my hardest not to bite off more than I can chew in a day.

Fortunately over the last week, my to-do list has finally started to get a little shorter (even though I continue to add to it!) I've completed my immunizations, sent my driving records and paperwork to my mission president, turned in my BYU deferment stuff, bought my new scriptures, books, and journals, have most of the clothes I need, and am starting to collect all of the little things like medicine and tooth brushes. Its coming along! I need luggage....because I want to start packing ASAP.

I am so blessed to have such an angel mother who is so willing to come shopping with me on occasion, give her opinion on what she thinks would work best, and help me think through what I will really need before reaching Indiana. She also cries randomly when we're doing stuff. She says she doesn't know why....but I do. I love her and will miss her too. She's the best mom that a girl could ask for. Someday, I hope to be half the person that she is.

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