Hello Family and Friends who I love SO much!
I am learning so much here! For example, I need to type FAST. So forgive the typos if there are any. I'm also learning to avoid the tatertots in the cafeteria, get to the shower before everyone else, and get to class early to switch my desk to a comfortable one with more desk space to put all my stuff.....etc.
I am also learning so much about the Spirit. He is literally a still small voice and I have learned how to better recognize his promptings. He teaches gently, quietly, and I am trying to live more worthy....more intent on having him as a constant companion. I have learned that HE is the real teacher. 1 Corinthians 2:4 hit me like a brick wall last week and I think about it all the time. Powerful teachers don't speak and preach through wisdom of men - but teach by the Spirit and that is what makes the lesson powerful! Without the Spirit, we cannot become truly converted. He is what motivates me and will motivate others to change attitudes and beahvior as we learn simple doctrines.
I have had so many experiences already with that! One of our "progressing investigators" name is Sean (he's really our teacher, but we role play with him). After the first two lessons, I was really frustrated because we could not crack him. We couldn't place our finger on what he needed to hear. The entire day before the 3rd lesson, I was thinking about him, praying about him, and studying for him. I knew we would teach him the Plan of Salvation.....but wanted to figure out what to teach so the Spirit could act on him. As we were walking into the room, I still had no idea what we were going to say. But I felt calm. I felt like the Spirit would take care of it. We started to teach, he asked questions, we had answers. The lesson flowed and about half way through the lesson, I knew what we needed to focus on. We talked about the atonement. He was excited, enthusiastic, and attentive to what we were saying. The Spirit screamed in my ear, "INVITE HIM TO BE BAPTIZED!" So I did....I spit out: "Sean! Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood Authority of God?" Haha....best moment of my life? Yes. He said, "Yes! I do!" Ahhhhhhhh! I wanted to squeal! I squealed in my heart! I had to control myself. I just smiled at him and then at Sister Hill who was looking at me like, "Oh my gosh, Sister Donaldson, did you really just do that?" Yeah....I did. The Spirit made me do it.
We also invited a TRC investigator to be baptized half way through the first lesson and she said yes.....that was pretty cool.
The point is, I love them all! I have caught a glimpse of the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us and the joy he feels when one of his children chooses to follow the Savior, repent, and be baptized. For example, I was so happy for Sean! I love him.....in the most least awkward way possible....does that make sense? Hahaha....Charity,....the pure love of Christ.
Dr. Meyers was the fireside speaker on Sunday. He walked in and I was like, "WOAH! That's my doctor!" Anyways, mom or dad, when you see him next, tell him he did an awesome job! :)
Funny moment of the week: Sister Gallacher (going to Latvia, and my pseudocompanion) went on a little sleep walking adventure. Haha....Someones alarm missfired at 1:00 am and she slept walked out of bed, to the door, to the shower (once grabbing all of her shower stuff, clothes, and unlocking the door?)....and woke up in the shower 40 minutes later. Haha....she came in and woke me up and said, "What time is it?" I told her 1:40 and then she started laughing. Too funny. She brightens my day.
Elder Holland came to devotional lastnight. SO AWESOME!!!!! Changed my life. He talked on how important it is to have our testimony fill us - get it permanently and forever. I need to come back with this so deep in my soul that it will never ever leave me. He said that we are expected to perform at super human levels....I say, bring it on!
Since being in the MTC, my patriarchal blessing has come alive! I listened to a talk by Elder Bednar on the Character of Christ and no joke - he quoted directly from my patriarchal blessing and expounded on it. Not once, not twice, but THREE times. Same thing with elder holland last night! He talked about unassailable testimonies....something that is promised in my blessing....it was amazing. It is amazing how the spirit tailors people's messages to meet our needs.
I keep on feeling that these next 18 months are setting me up for the rest of eternity! I will be a better wife, mom, friend, and person because of this mission! It won't be easy! I have to push myself. Heavenly Father will push me. But I know that if I saturate myself in the scriptures, gospel, and the Spirit, I can be a valuable instrument in his hands!
I liove you all! I'm out of time!!! Keep writing me! I need your prayers and support!
All my love,
Sister Becca Donaldson